Sunday, 19 April 2009

Guilty Again!

Yesterday was obviously going to be one of those days.

There was I churning up all the past as constantly do, and then my Lucy who is 14 had a melt down.

She can't cope with all that is happening. It's hard enough being a teenager, but being Lucy is emotionallu draining.

'What's up? I ask.

' I can't bear it anymore. It's all too hard!'

'What is my darling?'


Everything being:

- I don't want to see Dad anymore. He doesn't care about me and we always fight. It's because I'm angry. Angry he left us. Angry he will never talk about it. Just angry.

- I hate having thre Dads. Everytime I talk about one of them, people say, so which one are you talking about Lucy, Jason, Mark or Kevan. I want one Dad. Any Dad that loves me like you do, unconditionally!

- I want to start my periods and have proper boobs. Why am I the last!

- I haven't even kissed a boy. All my friends have!

- I'm worried about money. All you and Mark talk about is that we haven't got any. It sucks!

- I don't know whether I want to contact my real Dad. I know you encourage me, but I really hate him sometimes for not fighting enough. He doesn't really care

- I'm stuck on my homework and I'm tired!


Poor poor Lucy. Lots of hugs later and a chat with her Dad Jason to try to get him to show her a little more that he does love her and she manages a smile.

She needs some TLC x x


  1. I like your red carpet...

    Lucy has a lot on her plate, but sounds like she at least knows that and I believe that will put her ahead of the curve.

    And I tagged you for a meme at my blog...

  2. Poor kid. It is really hard at that age, especially in a divorced home. I remember it well.

  3. Thank you. She is much better today. she had a chat with Jason and sorted a few things out.

    I'm not sure what a meme is, but thankyou xx

  4. Thankyou Natalie. Well you are proof then that we live another day. We've had a great heart to heart, lots of hugs and she's had a good sleep too. Always helps. Thanks xx
