Monday 20 April 2009

Feeling Better

Well she's back on track. Hooray!

I spoke to Jason and asked him to have a chat with her. He's not big on communicating, but I stressed how important it was, as otherwise he was going to lose her. Credit where credit is due, he tried to explain to her that he is under a lot of stress right now and a bit grumpy. She wanted to talk about why he left us but she hit a wall, as usual, but he did tell her that he found her difficult sometimes and was at a loss on what to do. Jason's girlfriend was very supportive too, so Lucy came home yesterday a lot happier. She was glad I made her go as they were introduced to a kitten and went to the farm. So she was glad she didn't miss out.

Mark and I had had a lovely evening on our own and a nice walk in the country with Harry. When the girls got home Lucy came with me to take Harry for a walk over the heath and it gave us chance to catch up.

The boy thing seems to be a big issue. Haven't we all been there! She really opened up about it. She said how easy it was to talk about it all with me, which made my day. I love my Lucy and it is such a compliment that she can put her insecurities aside and tell me how she feels. I am blessed.

The girls are back to school today. We had all the usual last minute disasters. Ellie had lost her art homework, so we were all trying our hand at doing portraits last night. I had no petrol this morning! Why is it, that no matter how organised you think you are, things crop up to ruin it.

Note to self: MUST be more organised.

Back out running now. Had a break over the Easter due to injury. But the adrenaline has kicked in again and I'm back. It's amazing how much weight I put on by not running. It really keeps you in shape without having to worry. So am de-toxing this week to lose the pounds. I run 5 miles every morning and walk about 5 miles with Harry. So the weight should not take too long to shift.

Thankyou to you all for your comments. Haven't quite got the hang of it all yet, hence my page is very boring and I am not too confident on comments etc. Will pick it up I hope. But thankyou, it's amazing x x


  1. Hi Suzanne! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'll be back in the morining to catch up on yours. I need to get to bed... I'm nodding off here! :)

  2. Thanks Joanie, hope you have a good one. Sweet dreamsxx

  3. Wow! You guys are identical!xx
